block | 860129 |
time | 1715928816 (2024 May 17 - 06:53:36) |
opblock | 0 |
maturation | 90124 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 1954 |
signer_account | 1954 |
n_operation | 11779 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 3.4244 PASC from 1954-51 to 85151-13 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -3.4244 |
amount_s | -3.4244 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 1954 |
dest_account | 85151 |
ophash | E11F0D00A2070000032E00007678050985171A662A76C69A7BED88F40F8DDBE6 |
block | 860129 |
time | 1715928816 (2024 May 17 - 06:53:36) |
opblock | 1 |
maturation | 90124 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 1190004 |
signer_account | 1190004 |
n_operation | 293 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 3,000.0000 PASC from 1190004-97 to 522185-96 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -3000 |
amount_s | -3,000.0000 |
payload | 353136303230 |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 1190004 |
dest_account | 522185 |
ophash | E11F0D0074281200250100009B917EB5F9510F2D44965782C7254F1835642798 |
block | 860129 |
time | 1715928816 (2024 May 17 - 06:53:36) |
opblock | 2 |
maturation | 90124 |
optype | 3 |
subtype | 31 |
account | 2198241 |
signer_account | 2198241 |
n_operation | 1 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Recover founds |
fee | 0 |
fee_s | 0.0000 |
amount | 0 |
amount_s | 0.0000 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
ophash | E11F0D00E18A21000100000061E2ED94140A160924C253A7B85AC46D15472905 |
block | 860129 |
time | 1715928816 (2024 May 17 - 06:53:36) |
opblock | 3 |
maturation | 90124 |
optype | 3 |
subtype | 31 |
account | 2198242 |
signer_account | 2198242 |
n_operation | 1 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Recover founds |
fee | 0 |
fee_s | 0.0000 |
amount | 0 |
amount_s | 0.0000 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
ophash | E11F0D00E28A210001000000263BA6DFBBE743FE511850F0D119719028AEF885 |
block | 860129 |
time | 1715928816 (2024 May 17 - 06:53:36) |
opblock | 4 |
maturation | 90124 |
optype | 3 |
subtype | 31 |
account | 2198243 |
signer_account | 2198243 |
n_operation | 1 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Recover founds |
fee | 0 |
fee_s | 0.0000 |
amount | 0 |
amount_s | 0.0000 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
ophash | E11F0D00E38A210001000000DEF0D6DC49EA90DB46E5DD34BD7E3098A39D8C25 |
block | 860129 |
time | 1715928816 (2024 May 17 - 06:53:36) |
opblock | 5 |
maturation | 90124 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 4300140 |
signer_account | 4300140 |
n_operation | 1 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 5.0000 PASC from 4300140-24 to 1954-51 |
fee | 0 |
fee_s | 0.0000 |
amount | -5 |
amount_s | -5.0000 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 4300140 |
dest_account | 1954 |
ophash | E11F0D006C9D4100010000000444727350D786FA39489BDE60283276E7F13727 |